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xFormers optimized operators

Memory-efficient attention

xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention(query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, attn_bias: Optional[Union[Tensor, AttentionBias]] = None, p: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, *, op: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[AttentionFwOpBase]], Optional[Type[AttentionBwOpBase]]]] = None) Tensor[source]

Implements the memory-efficient attention mechanism following “Self-Attention Does Not Need O(n^2) Memory”.

Inputs shape

  • Input tensors must be in format [B, M, H, K], where B is the batch size, M the sequence length, H the number of heads, and K the embeding size per head

  • If inputs have dimension 3, it is assumed that the dimensions are [B, M, K] and H=1

  • Inputs can also be of dimension 5 with GQA - see note below

  • Inputs can be non-contiguous - we only require the last dimension’s stride to be 1

Equivalent pytorch code

scale = 1 / query.shape[-1] ** 0.5
query = query * scale
attn = query @ key.transpose(-2, -1)
if attn_bias is not None:
    attn = attn + attn_bias
attn = attn.softmax(-1)
attn = F.dropout(attn, p)
return attn @ value

import xformers.ops as xops

# Compute regular attention
y = xops.memory_efficient_attention(q, k, v)

# With a dropout of 0.2
y = xops.memory_efficient_attention(q, k, v, p=0.2)

# Causal attention
y = xops.memory_efficient_attention(
    q, k, v,
Supported hardware

NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability above 6.0 (P100+), datatype f16, bf16 and f32.


Using with Multi Query Attention (MQA) and Grouped Query Attention (GQA):

MQA/GQA is an experimental feature supported only for the forward pass. If you have 16 heads in query, and 2 in key/value, you can provide 5-dim tensors in the [B, M, G, H, K] format, where G is the number of head groups (here 2), and H is the number of heads per group (8 in the example).

Please note that xFormers will not automatically broadcast the inputs, so you will need to broadcast it manually before calling memory_efficient_attention.

GQA/MQA example

import torch
import xformers.ops as xops

B, M, K = 3, 32, 128
kwargs = dict(device="cuda", dtype=torch.float16)
q = torch.randn([B, M, 8, K], **kwargs)
k = torch.randn([B, M, 2, K], **kwargs)
v = torch.randn([B, M, 2, K], **kwargs)
out_gqa = xops.memory_efficient_attention(
    q.reshape([B, M, 2, 4, K]),
    k.reshape([B, M, 2, 1, K]).expand([B, M, 2, 4, K]),
    v.reshape([B, M, 2, 1, K]).expand([B, M, 2, 4, K]),
  • query – Tensor of shape [B, Mq, H, K]

  • key – Tensor of shape [B, Mkv, H, K]

  • value – Tensor of shape [B, Mkv, H, Kv]

  • attn_bias – Bias to apply to the attention matrix - defaults to no masking. For common biases implemented efficiently in xFormers, see xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.AttentionBias. This can also be a torch.Tensor for an arbitrary mask (slower).

  • p – Dropout probability. Disabled if set to 0.0

  • scale – Scaling factor for Q @ K.transpose(). If set to None, the default scale (q.shape[-1]**-0.5) will be used.

  • op – The operators to use - see xformers.ops.AttentionOpBase. If set to None (recommended), xFormers will dispatch to the best available operator, depending on the inputs and options.


multi-head attention Tensor with shape [B, Mq, H, Kv]

class xformers.ops.AttentionBias[source]

Bases: object

Base class for a custom bias that can be applied as the attn_bias argument in


That function has the ability to add a tensor, the attention bias, to the QK^T matrix before it is used in the softmax part of the attention calculation. The attention bias tensor with shape (B or 1, n_queries, number of keys) can be given as the attn_bias input. The most common use case is for an attention bias is to contain only zeros and negative infinities, which forms a mask so that some queries only attend to some keys.

Children of this class define alternative things which can be used as the attn_bias input to define an attention bias which forms such a mask, for some common cases.

When using an xformers.ops.AttentionBias instead of a torch.Tensor, the mask matrix does not need to be materialized, and can be hardcoded into some kernels for better performance.


materialize(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: dtype = torch.float32, device: Union[str, device] = 'cpu') Tensor[source]

Materializes the bias as a torch.Tensor. This is very slow and we don’t attempt to make it fast. Only use for debugging/testing.

Shape should be like [*, q_seqlen, k_seqlen]

class xformers.ops.AttentionOpBase[source]

Bases: BaseOperator

Base class for any attention operator in xFormers


classmethod not_supported_reasons(d: Inputs) List[str][source]

Returns a list of reasons why this is not supported. The kernel can run these inputs only if the returned list is empty

Available implementations

class xformers.ops.fmha.cutlass.FwOp[source]

xFormers’ MHA kernel based on CUTLASS. Supports a large number of settings (including without TensorCores, f32 …) and GPUs as old as P100 (Sm60)

class xformers.ops.fmha.cutlass.BwOp[source]

xFormers’ MHA kernel based on CUTLASS. Supports a large number of settings (including without TensorCores, f32 …) and GPUs as old as P100 (Sm60)

class xformers.ops.fmha.flash.FwOp[source]

Operator that computes memory-efficient attention using Flash-Attention implementation.

class xformers.ops.fmha.flash.BwOp[source]

Operator that computes memory-efficient attention using Flash-Attention implementation.

class xformers.ops.fmha.triton.FwOp[source]

Operator that computes memory-efficient attention using Tri Dao’s implementation, based on Phil Tillet’s code

class xformers.ops.fmha.triton.BwOp[source]

Operator that computes memory-efficient attention using Tri Dao’s implementation, based on Phil Tillet’s code

class xformers.ops.fmha.small_k.FwOp[source]

An operator optimized for very small values of K (K <= 32) and f32 pre-Ampere as it does not use TensorCores. Only supports contiguous inputs in BMK format, so an extra reshape or contiguous call might be done.


This operator is deprecated and should not be used in new code

class xformers.ops.fmha.small_k.BwOp[source]

An operator optimized for very small values of K (K <= 32) and f32 pre-Ampere as it does not use TensorCores. Only supports contiguous inputs in BMK format, so an extra reshape or contiguous call might be done.


This operator is deprecated and should not be used in new code

Attention biases

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.AttentionBias[source]

Bases: object

Base class for a custom bias that can be applied as the attn_bias argument in


That function has the ability to add a tensor, the attention bias, to the QK^T matrix before it is used in the softmax part of the attention calculation. The attention bias tensor with shape (B or 1, n_queries, number of keys) can be given as the attn_bias input. The most common use case is for an attention bias is to contain only zeros and negative infinities, which forms a mask so that some queries only attend to some keys.

Children of this class define alternative things which can be used as the attn_bias input to define an attention bias which forms such a mask, for some common cases.

When using an xformers.ops.AttentionBias instead of a torch.Tensor, the mask matrix does not need to be materialized, and can be hardcoded into some kernels for better performance.


materialize(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: dtype = torch.float32, device: Union[str, device] = 'cpu') Tensor[source]

Materializes the bias as a torch.Tensor. This is very slow and we don’t attempt to make it fast. Only use for debugging/testing.

Shape should be like [*, q_seqlen, k_seqlen]

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.LowerTriangularMask(*tensor_args, **tensor_kwargs)[source]

Bases: AttentionBias

A lower-triangular (aka causal) mask

A query Q cannot attend to a key which is farther from the initial key than Q is from the initial query.

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.LowerTriangularMaskWithTensorBias(bias: Tensor)[source]

Bases: LowerTriangularMask

A lower-triangular (aka causal) mask with an additive bias

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, _batch_sizes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]

Bases: AttentionBias

A block-diagonal mask that can be passed as attn_bias argument to xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention.

Queries and Keys are each divided into the same number of blocks. Queries in block i only attend to keys in block i.


This bias can be used to handle a batch of sequences of different lengths, via BlockDiagonalMask.from_tensor_list


import torch
from xformers.ops import fmha

K = 16
dtype = torch.float16
device = "cuda"
list_x = [
    torch.randn([1, 3, 1, K], dtype=dtype, device=device),
    torch.randn([1, 6, 1, K], dtype=dtype, device=device),
    torch.randn([1, 2, 1, K], dtype=dtype, device=device),
attn_bias, x = fmha.BlockDiagonalMask.from_tensor_list(list_x)
linear = torch.nn.Linear(K, K * 3).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)

q, k, v = linear(x).reshape([1, -1, 1, 3, K]).unbind(-2)
out = fmha.memory_efficient_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias=attn_bias)
list_out = attn_bias.split(out)
print(list_out[0].shape)  # [1, 3, 1, K]
assert tuple(list_out[0].shape) == (1, 3, 1, K)
materialize(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: dtype = torch.float32, device: Union[str, device] = 'cpu') Tensor[source]

Materialize the attention bias - for debugging & testing

classmethod from_seqlens(q_seqlen: Sequence[int], kv_seqlen: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) BlockDiagonalMask[source]

Creates a BlockDiagonalMask from a list of tensors lengths for query and key/value.

  • q_seqlen (Union[Sequence[int], torch.Tensor]) – List or tensor of sequence lengths for query tensors

  • kv_seqlen (Union[Sequence[int], torch.Tensor], optional) – List or tensor of sequence lengths for key/value. (Defaults to q_seqlen.)



classmethod from_tensor_list(tensors: Sequence[Tensor]) Tuple[BlockDiagonalMask, Tensor][source]

Creates a BlockDiagonalMask from a list of tensors, and returns the tensors concatenated on the sequence length dimension


See also BlockDiagonalMask.split to split the returned torch.Tensor back to a list of tensors of varying sequence length


tensors (Sequence[torch.Tensor]) – A list of tensors of shape [B, M_i, *]. All tensors should have the same dimension and the same batch size B, but they can have different sequence length M.


Tuple[BlockDiagonalMask, torch.Tensor] – The corresponding bias for the attention along with tensors concatenated on the sequence length dimension, with shape [1, sum_i{M_i}, *]

split(tensor: Tensor) Sequence[Tensor][source]

The inverse operation of BlockDiagonalCausalMask.from_tensor_list


tensor (torch.Tensor) – Tensor of tokens of shape [1, sum_i{M_i}, *]


Sequence[torch.Tensor] – A list of tokens with possibly different sequence lengths

make_causal() BlockDiagonalCausalMask[source]

Makes each block causal

make_causal_from_bottomright() BlockDiagonalCausalFromBottomRightMask[source]

Makes each block causal with a possible non-causal prefix

make_local_attention(window_size: int) BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionMask[source]

Experimental: Makes each block causal with local attention

make_local_attention_from_bottomright(window_size: int) BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionFromBottomRightMask[source]

Experimental: Makes each block causal with local attention, start from bottom right

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, _batch_sizes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]

Bases: BlockDiagonalMask

Same as xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalMask, except that each block is causal.

Queries and Keys are each divided into the same number of blocks. A query Q in block i cannot attend to a key which is not in block i, nor one which is farther from the initial key in block i than Q is from the initial query in block i.

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalFromBottomRightMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, _batch_sizes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None)[source]

Bases: BlockDiagonalMask

Same as xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalMask, except that each block is causal. This mask allows for a non-causal prefix NOTE: Each block should have num_keys >= num_queries otherwise the forward pass is not defined (softmax of vector of -inf in the attention)

Queries and keys are each divided into the same number of blocks. A query Q in block i cannot attend to a key which is not in block i, nor one which nearer the final key in block i than Q is to the final query in block i.

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _PaddedSeqLenInfo, causal_diagonal: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: AttentionBias

Same as xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalMask, except an offset on causality is allowed for each block and we support padding for k/v

The keys and values are divided into blocks which are padded out to the same total length. For example, if there is space for 12 keys, for three blocks of max length 4, but we only want to use the first 2, 3 and 2 of each block, use kv_padding=4 and kv_seqlens=[2, 3, 2]. The queries are divided into blocks, without padding, of lengths given by q_seqlen.

A query Q in block i cannot attend to a key which is not in block i, nor one which is not in use (i.e. in the padded area), nor one which is nearer to the final key in block i than Q is to the final query in block i.

materialize(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: dtype = torch.float32, device: Union[str, device] = 'cpu') Tensor[source]

Materialize the attention bias - for debugging & testing

classmethod from_seqlens(q_seqlen: Sequence[int], kv_padding: int, kv_seqlen: Sequence[int], causal_diagonal: Optional[Any] = None) BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask[source]

Creates a BlockDiagonalCausalWithOffsetPaddedKeysMask from a list of tensor lengths for query and key/value.

  • q_seqlen (Sequence[int]) – List or tensor of sequence lengths for query tensors

  • kv_padding (int) – Padding for k/v - also an upperbound on each individual key length

  • kv_seqlen (Sequence[int]) – List or tensor of sequence lengths for key/value.

  • causal_diagonal – unused, for BC only



class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, _batch_sizes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, _window_size: int = 0)[source]

Bases: BlockDiagonalCausalMask

(Experimental feature) Same as xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalMask. This makes the mask “local” and the attention pattern banded.

Query i only attends to keys in its block and cannot attend keys further than “window_size” from it.

class xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalLocalAttentionFromBottomRightMask(q_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, k_seqinfo: _SeqLenInfo, _batch_sizes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, _window_size: int = 0)[source]

Bases: BlockDiagonalCausalFromBottomRightMask

(Experimental feature) Same as xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalMask. This makes the mask “local” and the attention pattern banded.

Query i only attends to keys in its block and cannot attend keys further than “window_size” from it.

Non-autograd implementations

xformers.ops.fmha.memory_efficient_attention_backward(grad: Tensor, output: Tensor, lse: Tensor, query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, attn_bias: Optional[Union[Tensor, AttentionBias]] = None, p: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, *, op: Optional[Type[AttentionBwOpBase]] = None) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor][source]

Computes the gradient of the attention. Returns a tuple (dq, dk, dv) See xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention for an explanation of the arguments. lse is the tensor returned by xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention_forward_requires_grad

xformers.ops.fmha.memory_efficient_attention_forward(query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, attn_bias: Optional[Union[Tensor, AttentionBias]] = None, p: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, *, op: Optional[Type[AttentionFwOpBase]] = None) Tensor[source]

Calculates the forward pass of xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention.

xformers.ops.fmha.memory_efficient_attention_forward_requires_grad(query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, attn_bias: Optional[Union[Tensor, AttentionBias]] = None, p: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, *, op: Optional[Type[AttentionFwOpBase]] = None) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Returns a tuple (output, lse), where lse can be used to compute the backward pass later. See xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention for an explanation of the arguments See xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention_backward for running the backward pass